Change your day in one hour


How often do we appreciate the value of each hour? And how often do we foolishly misspend our precious time?

One evening after work, I was enjoying one of my favorite television mystery movies. I planned to tidy up the house once the movie was over. My resolve quickly faded as the last scene ended. Instead of turning off the TV, I gave in to the temptation to watch “just the first hour” of another episode.

But then, in an almost miraculous moment, I turned off the television and decided to see how much housework I could get done in the same 60 minutes. I was so tickled with what I accomplished that I greeted Bert with a big smile when he came home that evening.

We can’t reclaim an hour gone by, but we can plan to be more effective with future segments of time.

What if we practiced redeeming our time, one hour at a time, throughout the day? I’m not preaching against downtime. Rather, my intent is to help us feel good about the way we use each hour God gives us.

We could begin by developing a correct perspective regarding everything we do: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17 ESV).

This verse, especially when we’re not feeling motivated, can be challenging. Thankfully, our heavenly Father, Who knows each of our personalities, will help us. If we ask Him to, He’ll even increase our desire to do everything in a way that honors Him. This will give us purpose – and help us redeem our days.

Keeping in mind that once an hour is gone it can never be recaptured, what can you accomplish during the 60 minutes you were going to use scrolling through Facebook posts, playing Candy Crush, watching TV or something on Netflix? What choice will make your smile bigger when you greet your spouse this evening – or your boss in the morning? Whatever you decide to do, do it all in Jesus’ name.

Begin by challenging yourself to get something done before the day ends. Then set your timer for 60 minutes – and see what else you can accomplish.

Sheryl H. Boldt is a sales executive for Wave 94 and author of the blog, Connect with her at