Wakulla Station News


Happy New Year, everyone! We had our traditional dinner of pork, greens, black-eyed peas, rice and tomato gravy, which coincidentally is my favorite meal, to start the year off right. Yum-yum!

How AWESOME was it, to see Coach Norvell and the Seminoles win their bowl game? I was especially pleased, in that two of my sons-in-laws and my two grandsons were able to attend the game and have a fantastic family bonding time. Go Noles!

Please keep the families of Donna Kendrick, Irene Payne, R.H. Carter, Don and Sheryl Grimes and my family in your prayers, as we all adjust to life without some of our nearest and dearest loved ones. It makes a difference to know there are folks supporting us in prayer.

New Year’s day was a Sunday, and Church was such a great way to begin 2023. Surrounded by church family, and partaking of communion in contemplation of God’s great love for his creation. Amen and AMEN!

I am still trying to recover from the ricocheting weather we’ve had lately. Thanks, Mother Nature, for killing half my yard. I have dead leaves and sticks, or green slime, everywhere I look. But everything will eventually bounce back (I hope) or be gone. Is it too much to hope the freeze eradicated my nemesis, the dreaded Spanish Needle? It is the DEVIL! I spend half my time in the garden pulling it up before it goes to seed.

Here’s hoping each and everyone of us has a safe and prosperous year to come, and that we always remember to celebrate the richness of our blessings.