Riversprings is again an AVID Demonstration School

Teachers, students and administrators at Riversprings with the AVID banner.

Special to The Sun

Riversprings Middle School was approved to renew its status as an Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) National Demonstration School after earning the first title 8 years ago. This renewal is the third time RMS has accomplished this well-deserved status.
In the 2015-2016 school year, RMS was one of only 152 middle schools in the United States to achieve AVID National Demonstration School status.
In Florida, there were only 15 middle schools earning this national recognition, held in total by 215 schools and counting.
AVID is an internationally successful non-profit college and career prep program that began in the 1980’s with one teacher in one classroom.
The founder Mary Katherine Swanson saw college potential in students who were capable, but not well prepared for college or who were not encouraged to take college prep classes.
Currently, AVID is implemented in over7,500 schools in 47 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, Australia and the Department of Defense Schools, and impacts over 2.5 million students annually. students. Many AVID students are the first in their families to graduate from college.
One goal is to target students who have the drive and desire to go to college, but who may not be recommended for advanced classes. These are capable students that are taught strategies to succeed in a rigorous curriculum.
Sunny Chancy, Assistant Superintendent, was in attendance for this event to help welcome the AVID staff and guests. “As the former Assistant Principal at Wakulla High School our team attended several Summer Institute training sessions. The value of professional development that AVID training provides allows teachers to utilize strategies to serve students in problem solving and critical thinking. Several of our former AVID students and tutors are now teachers in Wakulla County and that speaks volumes.”
RMS Principal Josh Sandgren stated, “AVID is not about just getting into college or to technical school. It’s about being prepared to stay there and graduate, then going on to have a successful career. There was a tremendous amount of hard work put forth by students, teachers, and staff to achieve this recognition, and we are very proud of all of their efforts.”
National Demonstration Schools use effective AVID strategies for everyone, schoolwide. They will also serve as visitation sites for schools who want to implement or improve their AVID programs.
The role of AVID District Director is Katherine Spivey, who is currently working as an AP on special assignment at RMS.
Ms. Spivey helped coordinate the original work towards National Demonstration School for RMS and was both an AVID teacher and AVID site Coordinator at Wakulla Middle School.
RMS Site Coordinator Kelly Dykes teaches several of the AVID elective teachers to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and helps train other teachers in AVID strategies. Mrs. Amanda Boam joined the AVID elective teacher team this school year and is currently teaching 6th grade students.
These AVID site team members were vital in the preparation of the visit, Jessica Wells, Jennifer Thaxton, Carol Allen, Isabella Alvarez, Alexandria Hamel, Bill Taylor and Deana Davis, Heather Clark ,Brooke Autrey, all assisted in submission of lesson plans, classroom decorations, and classroom observations during the validation process.
An additional request for the RMS renewal application was the creation of a Team Leadership Video. Principal Josh Sandgren and Assistant Principal Bethany Pafford, School Advisory Chair Jennifer Thaxton, RMS AVID coordinator Kelly Dykes and District Director Katherine Spivey had to create and narrate the thirty-minute video about the school’s accomplishments and history of AVID at RMS.
 Bethany Pafford, stated “AVID is a part of our school culture. We don’t have just a small group of teachers teaching a small, select group of students these skills and strategies. All our teachers and staff members are involved in our AVID program. We teach the organization skills and other strategies in all classes to all students at RMS. Our goal is for all our students to leave Riversprings with the skills to conquer their dreams.
AVID also encourages field trips to colleges and guest speakers on careers and parental involvement.
“ We have great teachers who have attended numerous AVID professional development courses, and have contributed to the schoolwide goal of engaging students, teaching Focus Note Taking, and asking higher order questions of our students,” adds Sandgren.
Says Superintendent Bobby Pearce, “AVID strategies work and we are honored to share these best practices with as many teachers and students as possible. Every resource our students acquire will help them be successful in college, technical training, and their future career. The goal of Wakulla County Schools is not only to educate but to create a love for lifetime learning.”