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  • Editor's Note

    A Letter to the Editor two weeks ago (“Emergency landing at airport”)  about the Wakulla Airport being used for an emergency landing  by the pilot of a Cessna C-150 having engine trouble after refueling at Apalachicola, resolving issues and then continuing a planned flight to Deland, then prompted a letter from Surf Road resident Jim Parham last week (“Story shows airport used as intended”) that the use of the airport by a light aircraft, which he defined as 6,000 pounds.
    Airport Manager Steve Fults sent an email to Parham – copying the Sun editor – asking him to cite his source of light aircraft being defined as 6,000 pounds. Fults contends FAA regulations define light aircraft as 12,500 pounds or less. Parham has made the claim before in presentations before the county commission over the airport issue.
    As background, Parham has been adamant in his concern about heavy aircraft, especially Blackhawk helicopters, using the grass strip.  
    Parham submitted the following response as an open letter to Fults: DEBATE OVER DEFINING ‘LIGHT AIRCRAFT’