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    Editor, The Sun:

    Hi All!

    After tonight’s presentation to the Sarracenia Chapter of FNPS, Sally Jue (co-founder of the Hairstreak Chapter of NABA) made a point of telling me how much she and Dean appreciate what we’ve done at Sopchoppy Depot Park.
    She commented on how many nectar and larval plants we’ve provided for numerous butterfly species and noted that “thought went into it.”
    Sally also mentioned how nice it is for people who want to see Juniper Hairstreak butterflies (Callophrys gryneus) to be able to come to Depot Park to see them (because of the red cedar trees we’ve planted around the periphery).
    She asked me to share this praise with all of you.
    Feel free to share her kind words with others.
    Thank you!
    Lynn & the Depot Park Team

    That is wonderful and it does look beautiful up there!
    Thank you all.

    Lara Edwards
    City of Sopchoppy

    And the gardens become more beautiful as each season passes. (Flower emoji)

    Betsy Rudden