Wakulla Station News


I’m going to start with the best news first. Sebastian Mosley-Bennet received his new heart this past weekend and is doing really well. Family and friends are overjoyed, but everyone recognizes there is still a journey ahead. His family asks that we remember the family of the donor child. It was their generosity in sharing their child’s organs that has saved the lives of other babies. All of your loving prayers are so appreciated and welcome.
I hope everyone had a happy Father’s Day this past Sunday. Ed and I celebrated, with me taking him out to Sunday dinner!
I was very excited to read that the Wakulla County Public Library will be getting a slice of the funding pie in the near future. Having watched the library develop over the years, always growing with the county’s needs, I can’t wait to see what’s coming. I know they are outgrowing their current digs, so this hasn’t come a minute too soon.
Please continue to lift Clem Bunker, the Carter families, the Lynn family, the Vickery family, the Kendrick family, the Hurst family, the Hobby family, the Hodges family and the Sloan-Peacock family in your prayers.
Thelma Watts was able to receive a pacemaker and is growing stronger, and  Faye Sweeney continues to need our prayers.