Wakulla Station News


This past week I noticed (again) just how nice it is to have great neighbors. I don’t know about you, but we have a super young man as our postman. I was working in my yard the other day, and he spotted me. Instead of just stuffing my mail in the box, he pulled up to my gate to hand deliver my mail.
He always does this if he spots me or Ed outside, and we always spend a minute or two catching up. This time he couldn’t hide his delight in his baby daughter. She is really coming into her sassy little personality, and he is a proud dad. I happen to know he also stopped to check on a neighbor when he saw something that seemed off with their property. Just wanted to make sure everything was OK...how lucky we all are to have him!
I also had two very nice gentlemen, brothers, stop by the house over the weekend. They were interested in buying peacocks, and knew Ed raises them. It was such a pleasure meeting Ernie and Edward, and sharing stories about their grandmother and other old-timers from the late 1800s. I love this stuff, just can’t get enough of it, and the brothers are great storytellers!
We are getting very near to the Blue Crab Festival and Parade, coming this weekend. Saturday, Sept. 30th is the date, and it is going to be so much fun. If you want to be in the parade, reach out to the Coastal Optimists Club. There’s no cost, and a whole lot of fun. The Lofty Pursuits Marching Band is slated to be there, and that alone makes it a party.
It has been a while since Panacea could celebrate the exalted Blue Crab, due to Covid restrictions. This year promises to be a great come back, and I hope everyone makes it out to celebrate Panacea and the Blue Crab.
A couple of weeks later we will celebrate Outdoor Wakulla Living at Hudson and Azalea Parks. Join us there, on Oct. 14th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be educational programs there and around the county, as well as vendors and food trucks. Mark your calendars for this fun family activity.
The Wakulla United Methodist Church is inviting everyone to our Homecoming celebration on Oct. 8th at 10 a.m. The service will be followed by a covered dish dinner, and the fellowship can only be matched by the food and fun. Everyone knows, no one can cook like church ladies, so please join us as we embrace friends and family from years gone by.
Your prayers continue to be coveted for babies Bennie Mott and Sebastian Mosely. Both of these tiny babies are fighting serious health issues, but are true warriors. They and their families welcome our prayers for healing. Also in need of prayers is Don Garrison and his family. Don is extremely ill, and facing the great transition. Of course, we all know  many people who are facing challenges and sorrow, and in need of prayer.  I know from personal experience that prayer is powerful and works, so please continue lifting your faithful prayers.
Congrats to the fabulous Wakulla War Eagles football team for winning another great game. Way to WIN! You are making us all so proud, and It is very exciting to have so many of our favorite teams doing so well. Keep up the good work everyone.