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  • Refuge to hold Walk for the Wild 5k

    Special to the Sun
    Join the Friends of St Marks Wildlife Refuge to promote awareness of our refuge and help raise funds for environmental education and outreach. Come enjoy a self-guided 5K walk, run, bike, or paddle, sign up for Roam with a Ranger, or participate virtually by getting out in nature wherever you can.
    When you donate and participate in this self-paced 5K event, 100% of your support will provide additional opportunities for youth in the local community to learn about and experience our unique environment. The Friends fund many environmental education and outreach opportunities for children and students. This year, we are expanding our pre-school program to three schools, and we expect to reach upwards of 450 students each month. Tots on Trails, summer camps, youth hunts, and more provide the chance for young people to learn about the natural world. Our almost 10-year-old internship program has provided over 50 college age students with valuable skills and knowledge to help further their career opportunities. Together, the Refuge and the Friends provide free environmental education programs to over 10,000 participants annually.
    For details and to register visit https://support.americaswildliferefuges.org/team/515939.
    Suggested routes will be marked in various locations off of Lighthouse Road and other areas of the Refuge. We’ll have two Roam with a Ranger guided walks available during the week (Space is limited. Reserve your https://www.stmarksrefuge.org/walk-for-wild.) Or, you can participate virtually anywhere at any time that works for you. Look for Pinky the flamingo (and new friends), swing by the historic lighthouse, or complete your 5K on Oct. 14th and watch artists at work during our Plein Air festival.