Employee, teachers of month for November


Superintendent Bobby Pearce, Missy Hudson, and Transportation Director Pat Jones.

Special to The Sun

The Wakulla County School Board announced Missy Hudson from Transportation is the 2022 Employee of the Year.Thank you for all you do for our students and families every day. Congratulations, Missy!

By DANIEL LILLY Of the School Board

Carl Brown is Wakulla County School’s Employee of the Month.

Carl Brown of Wakulla County Schools Transportation is November Employee of the Month. Brown is currently a bus driver and was previously a bus attendant. When asked what is most enjoyable about his job Brown said, “Being able to do my small part in helping students overcome their obstacles and reach their personal fullest potential.” He continued, “I enjoy advocating for the students and working with others to accomplish things that benefit the students. This year I have been privileged to work with people to help special needs students learn to use the stairs on the bus, get the upgraded equipment to be transported safely, and to get the medical training to be prepared in case of a potential life threatening situation for one of the students on my bus.”

Mrs. Pat Jones said the following of Brown, “Carl Brown is the type of bus driver that I wish I had 10 more like him. His dedication to the safety of the students he transports is impeccable. His daily performance of his duties in completing the federal and state requirements of a pre-trip inspection is of the highest standards. Additionally, the inside of his bus looks like it just rolled out of the assembly line. Mr. Brown has been a middle, high, elementary and PreK driver. While driving these students he is that driver, that spent time communicating with parents when needed or just to say, “Your child is a well-behaved bus rider’’. Parents love hearing this from their driver. Currently Mr. Brown is the special needs bus driver for Gretchen Everhart. In this capacity, he shows great concern and dedication to the special students he transports and has put forth the effort to learn the needs of all his students. Mr. Brown is an asset to this school board and to the transportation department.”

Brooke Autrey is Riversprings Middle School’s November Teacher of the Month.

Brooke Autrey is Riversprings Middle School’s November Teacher of the Month. Autrey grew up attending Wakulla County Schools and completed her practicum and internship at Crawfordville Elementary School before becoming a first-grade teacher at Shadeville Elementary School. Since 2019 Autrey has been a sixth-grade teacher with the Riversprings Bears.

Autrey noted that “I am at the point in my career where my first few years of students are graduating high school and working in the community.” She went on to say, “It is such a joy to see my former students succeed and watch them pursue their goals. When students stop by at open house and school events to visit or write letters after being in my class, it means the world to me and helps me to know that I was a positive influence in their lives. I hope that all my students know how much I believe in them and how thankful I am to have been one of their teachers.”

Principal Joshua Sandgren said the following of Autrey, “Words cannot express the appreciation we have at RMS for Mrs. Autrey. Her attention to detail, work ethic, and love for her students does not go unnoticed. Thank you for all you do for the students and staff at RMS. Great job and go bears!”

Angela Den Bleyker is Crawfordville Elementary School’s November Teacher of the Month

Angela Den Bleyker is November’s Teacher of the Month Crawfordville Elementary School. Den Bleyker is currently a first-grade teacher and came to work for Wakulla County Schools in 2007 as a fifth-grade teacher after completing her internship with Flagler College.

When asked what was most enjoyable about her job Den Bleyker said “The relationships that I build with my students is my favorite part of the job. My students become a part of my family the moment they step into the classroom.” She continued, “I spend so much time in my classroom on relationship building because I feel that it is essential for students to feel valued and appreciated while they are with me. I also love when former students (some are even starting to have their own children) come back to visit me and tell me what is going on in their lives.”

Principal Alena Crawford said the following of Den Bleyker. “Angela Denbleyker is one of the most dedicated teachers on our campus. Every student that enters her classroom instantly becomes “hers” and the rest of the school knows it! Her love and passion for the students is energetic and never wavering. She takes great pride in her craft and is always willing to continue shaping herself into the best educator she can be for her students. She is always willing to participate in any professional development asked of her, she takes on leadership roles and is beyond supportive of her coworkers. She truly wants everyone to know they are loved and to feel special! CES employees, students, and families are all lucky to have Ms. D!”