Andrea Carter given volunteer award

Historical Society treasurer Arlene Vause presents Andrea Carter with the group’s volunteer of the year award.


Andrea Carter was named volunteer of the year for her work writing grants for the Wakulla County Historical Society, but was unable to attend the group’s banquet last month, so she was presented the Anne Quick Stewart Award a couple of weeks ago by historical society treasurer Arlene Vause. The grants Carter worked on and received funding for include $120,000 for the Richardson Cemetery, which the historical society owns and is still used. Richardson is a bi-racial cemetery with the oldest grave going back to 1828. It includes graves of slaves, Confederates and World War I veterans. The grant is to restore the old graves, some of which are believed to be unmarked. Another grant is for $50,000 grant for work towards restoring the old jail, which is used as a history museum.