Wakulla Station News


Congratulations to all the candidates who put themselves out there for election. It’s a given that everyone can’t win, but anyone can run a thoughtful, civil campaign. I have often said every person should run for office at least once. It is an incredible learning experience for sure. It’s also nice not to be inundated with mailers and non-stop commercials for a while! Although I confess, I will miss those two gents sitting on a tailgate...made me chuckle Every.Single.Time.

I had the pleasure of attending a special recognition for veterans and their spouses on Friday at Lakeshore Tapestry Senior Living. My parents reside there, as do a number of men and women who served with honor. The facility had a moving ceremony, as well as a delightful luncheon for all residents and their guests. My father was career military, (retired from the Coast Guard) as were a number of people recognized for their service. We all really appreciated the effort made to say “Thank you.”

One especially nice part of the morning was a group of young men from FAMU who volunteered to assist residents as they maneuvered in and out of the building for the flag raising ceremony, Members of an organization known as “Progressive Black Men,” these fellows were very attentive and respectful of all of the residents at Tapestry. It was a real pleasure to meet them, and learn a little about their organization.

I have noticed that the Crawfordville Publix is the new place to run into long-lost friends and neighbors. No such thing as a quick sprint in and out, at least not for me! But I sure do enjoy catching up with old friends there.

Please keep my friend Mary Dyal, of Woodville, in your prayers. She tragically lost her beloved granddaughter Gabby last week, to a horrific car crash. A young man ran a red light, hitting Gabby directly. On her way to work, Gabby was killed instantly. Only 30 years old, she was completing her degree and was engaged to marry. There is no way to prepare for this kind of loss, and the Dyal family needs our prayers.

Please continue to lift up Barbara Vickery and her family, as well as Sheryl Grimes, and Cindy Blackstock. Pastor Steve Montgomery came through his surgery to repair his broken leg very well, though he still has a bit of a trek to go before he’s completely back on two feet. I know he would appreciate your prayers too. Don’t forget to send me your news!

If you, or your organization, have any news or activities planned for the upcoming holiday season, let me know! I am happy to write about your special events. You can reach me at 850-421-3730 or 850-212-3131, or vernalsbrock@gmail.com.