A few items from the notebook


A few things from this week:

• At the stakeholders meeting on the possible removal of the St. Marks River dredge piles, a lot of the 50 or so people who attended complained that they didn’t know about the meeting beforehand, that they only learned about it earlier in the morning.
One of the consultants stepped forward and said she’d put something in “The Wakulla Times,” apparently referring to The Wakulla News.
One member of the audience spoke up and said: “But we’ve all switched over to The Wakulla Sun.”

• It’s been a thrill to see the progress of Maya King’s career as a reporter. Maya is a childhood friend of my youngest daughter, Harper.
Maya went off to journalism school at Howard University and came home during a summer break asking if she could get some experience writing, back when we were at The Wakulla News.
Those were her first bylines.
She is now working for the New York Times based in Atlanta and covering the U.S. Senate race in Georgia between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker. It gives me great pleasure to see her byline on the front page of the Times.

• Last, but certainly not least – Estelle Lee Lanier McGowan was born on Dec. 1 to my daughter Harper and her husband Caleb.

Estelle McGowan coming home from the hospital.

It’s their first child.
It’s my third grandchild – my granddaughter Raleigh Mills just turned 5, and her brother Baker is 4.
They are the kids of my oldest daughter Dylan and her husband Trent.
My middle daughter Emily and her husband Heath are expecting a child in April.
Meredith and I are heading out to Dallas later this week to see little Estelle.
Welcome to the world, Estelle! I can’t wait to meet you.

William Snowden is editor and publisher of The Wakulla Sun.