Wakulla Station News


What a fun time we had, celebrating granddaughter Harper’s 8th birthday. This was her first party in a long time, due to Covid, and it was so much fun to watch kids just be kids together. The weather was as perfect as it could possibly be, and a good time was had by all. We had a great service last Sunday, followed by a delicious holiday meal full of fellowship and joy. Church ladies sure can cook!

Afterwards, when the rain stopped, I made my way up to Market Days at the fairgrounds in Tallahassee. I scored some awesome Christmas gifts and recruited vendors for the Woodville Founders Day Festival (Saturday, March 18th!). What a nice surprise to see so many artists and craftsmen from Wakulla County, including friends Brent and Anne Thurmond. They had his handcrafted bread boards and her Panacea Chocolate, and can be regularly found at the Sopchoppy market.

Please keep Ms. Gwen Rogers in your prayers. She was in a car accident in October, and is now in rehab, recovering from a broken sternum and vertebrae. She isn’t up for visits just yet, but appreciates our prayers. Your prayers continue to be coveted for Barbara Vickery, Sheryl Grimes, Linda Dunwoody, Also keep Larry and Sandie Shiver, and the families of Mike Carter and Lucy West in your prayers.

Ed and I attended a holiday band concert Monday evening, at Riversprings Middle School, and had the best time. One of our favorite things is being able to go to programs presented by our students of all ages in our school system!

Next Sunday, the Praise Team at the Wakulla UMC will present its own Christmas concert, and it will be so much fun. I hope you will join us during worship service at 10:00 am for this special music.

Don’t forget, I love to put your special events, prayer requests and joys in this article. Hope to hear from you soon (850-421-3730; vernalsbrock@gmail.com).

BTW, the name of the Italian restaurant in Woodville is Bagigio’s. I left an “i” out last time.

I invite (and remind!) you to share your holiday news for the community’s edification. My phone number is 850-212-3131 (cell), 850-421-3730 (landline); email is vernalsbrock@gmail.com.