Wakulla Station News


Despite the very inclement weather, the Woodville Volunteer Fire Department hosted its tenth annual Founders Day Festival, and many hardy souls came out to support them.
Our heartfelt thanks to the 20 vendors, the food trucks, and the many performers who braved the weather to entertain, inform, and support the fire department and the people of Woodvillle.
Thanks also to Family Funeral Home for the use of their canopy, which afforded a welcome shelter from the rain.
Please keep the family of Mr. King in your prayers. He was killed in a one-car accident in front of Methodist Lane last Friday, around 10 a.m. I’m not sure of all the circumstances, but am so sad it happened. I can’t help but believe a slower speed limit might have saved his life.
We were so excited to have Louis Hernandez in Church on Sunday, after a long recovery from surgery. Please continue to lift up Faye Sweeney, Sebastian Mosley, Pam Adfams, Jimmy Gainey, and the people of California in your prayers.
My father and our family appreciate your prayers also, as he is not recovering well from Covid.