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  • Thanks for support of variety show

    Editor, The Sun:

    The Wakulla Community Theater committee would like to thank the following folks for helping make our Feb. 11 Variety Show Fundraiser a great success!
    First, a huge thank you to all of our performers, people aged 10 to 70, who gave of their time and talent to help raise funds for our theater. You were all amazing!
    Thank you to Sally Wheeler for creating our new WCT logo. It is so eye -catching and we’ve received many compliments on it. Thank you to Amy Parker for designing and creating our tickets, flyer and programs.
    Thank you to Kyla Parker for being “the girl behind the curtain!” Thank you to Lynn and Scott Rossow, Mary Katherine and Jay Westmark, and Andy Sutton, for taking care of so many, many things we could never list them all.
    Thank you to Jason Westmark and Kru Howard for helping us clean up at the end of the night. Thank you to John and Diana Hays for the food tent, and Joy Arrington for her donation of the display easels.
    A giant thank you to Mike Sherlock, Scott Rossow and Rody Strickland for taking care of the sound and lights, one of the most difficult jobs of all!  You guys rock!
    Thank you to Capital City Bank and McIver Flooring for helping fill the theater by selling 150 tickets.
    Thank you to all of the individuals and businesses that donated door prizes – The Shack, Breakfast Station, Brent and Anne Thurmond/Panacea Chocolates, Diane Perez and Arte’ Mexico, Sand and Soul, Civic Brewery, Laurie’s Eye Candy, and Riverside Café’.
    We would like to thank the Wakulla Sun and the Wakulla News for all their support through advertising specials and publishing our informational articles. They have done a wonderful job getting the word out to the community on behalf of Wakulla Community Theater.
    Special thanks to the Sopchoppy Opry, Wakulla County School Board, Mike Barwick, Cole Wells and the historic Sopchoppy High School Facilities Crew.
    Thank you to Just Fruits and Exotics for the loan of the absolutely gorgeous ferns.
    A huge thank you to Desmond Maxwell, the host with the most, for being the best MC ever!
    Special thanks to those of you that have become WCT sponsors. Your donations and support of our program means more than you will ever know. To those interested, it is not too late to become a sponsor for the 2023 WCT theater season.
    And finally, we appreciate you, the members of the community for all of the love and support we felt that night. Thank you for coming out in 100% rain and cheering our performers on!!

    Nancy Commander & Mina Sutton
    Wakulla Community Theater