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    Contest winners with Optimist Club members.

    Special to The Sun

    Students from Riversprings Middle School and Wakulla High School recently put their speaking skills to the test while participating in the Coastal Optimist Club Oratorical Contest. The topic was “Discovering the Optimism within Me”. Each student’s speech had to be between four and five minutes long and had to start with the official topic.
    The first place winner was Alex Barlow who received a $100 cash award. Matthew Thaxton received 2nd place and an award of $75.
    Both Alex and Matthew have been invited to the Regional Competition which will be held in Gulf Breeze on Saturday, April 22nd.
    Winning third place in the contest was Salome Hines. Salome also received a $50 cash award. The fourth place winner was Kaylie Kosec. She received $25.
    All the participants received certificates. Optimist Jo Ann Daniels noted that the speeches were all well written and very interesting. While it is difficult for students to stand up in front of a group and give a speech from memory, it is a learning opportunity for a skill that will help these students throughout their careers.
    The teacher sponsor was James Daniels. Judges for the contest were Tim Roach, Gail Quinton and Diana Sellers.