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    Editor, The Sun:

    A rebuttal to Mr. Fults’ letter of May 11: “‘Light aircraft’ is 12,500 lbs or less”

    While Mr. Fults points out, correctly, the official definition of light aircraft, he conveniently ignores the intent and provisions of the original deed and conditions of the Trust. Furthermore, Mr. Fults resorts to the old “Potomac side-step” by declaring himself a patriot and those who do not wish military aircraft buzzing their homes are vile Chinese Communists. Mr. Fults makes Nancy Pelosi proud following her example.
    Mr. Fults is asserting that if you don’t want to subsidy his toys, then he suggests you’re a Communist. Not my words, his.
    This tactic highlights the weak and feeble premise the entire “Panacea International” is predicated on. This issue, while festered by cronyism and narcissism, needs to go away. The Board of County Commissioners has a moral obligation to do the right thing, yet, for some unfathomable reason, it will not. They must be in some 4-H gelding program since none of the Commissioners appear to have the cojones to address this issue and mercifully put it out of its misery.
    Its real simple- protect and increase the value of the homes by restricting aircraft to 6,000 lbs or less, regardless if you speak English, Russian or Chinese Mandarin.
    The Wakulla Sun does great service to the community by offering all sides an opportunity to voice their opinions and we should support their endeavor.
    Robert Franco
    Surf Road