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    Editor, The Sun:

    The Wakulla County Cancer Support Group was established in 2009 and is the only one in the County. During Covid we noticed a decline in attendance and understandably so - no one wanted to attend meetings, but we are still meeting and going strong. Cancer is not going away and, unfortunately, we continue to hear of new cases.
    We do not have a doom and gloom-type meeting. Yes, we laugh, we also give support and encouragement to each other. We bond with each other who understand, and this helps to lighten our load. We discuss health concerns and treatment issues and provide helpful information when appropriate. The concern of everyone attending, becomes our concern because we care. Family members also give support, of course, but members of our group know from experience what you are going through - we have been there. All information discussed in our meetings is confidential and is not discussed elsewhere. Some of our members are in remission, also some are having tests waiting for results. Those who are now clear of cancer still attend because they want to give their support.
    Please attend our meetings - we welcome you, spouses, caregivers, and friends. Our group umbrellas all types of cancer for both men and women.
    We meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at Crawfordville United Methodist Church (you don’t have to be a member of the church to attend) in the Fellowship Hall (one block from the courthouse). For questions, please call Marge Kinder at 850-926-6050.

    Marge Kinder