Library News
Library News – May 25UPCOMING EVENTS!
Thursday, May 25
Friends of the Library General Meeting 6pm
Friday, May 26
Quilting Guild 9:30am
Saturday, May 27
Library Closed
Monday, May 29
No Programs Today
Tuesday, May 30
Memoir Writing 10am
Wednesday, May 31
Alzheimer’s Brain Bus 10am
Knitting Group 4pm
Thursday, June 1
The Flowers BOD/ACC Committee 6:15pm
The Park HOA 6:30pm
Join Mrs. Rebecca and Mrs. Patty for a FREE summer of fun for children & families starting June 6th! During Summer Reading, WCPL offers weekly age-specific programs designed to encourage a life-long love of reading. Wondering what programs are appropriate for your kiddos? Here’s the breakdown:
• Book Bunch: This program for toddlers aged 2 1/2 to preschool includes stories, music, & crafts. Tuesdays at 10am.
• Royal Readers: This program for children in grades K-2, features stories and crafts. Tuesdays at 2pm.
• Book Babies: This program is an interactive story time and playgroup designed for infants, young toddlers, and their caregivers. Wednesdays at 10am.
• Mythical Readers: This program for children in grades 3-5, features books and activities focused around a central theme. Wednesdays at 2pm.
• STEAM: STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. Kids in this programs will learn through hands on fun and building! Open to all ages. See schedule for dates and times.
• LEGO Club: LEGO Club is designed to provide kids with an enjoyable activity that stimulates & develops spatial intelligence. They will be able to create whatever leaps into their imaginations! Open to all ages. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 4pm.
• Saturday, May 27th for Memorial Day
• Tuesday, July 4th for Independence Day
• Saturday, September 2nd for Labor Day