Wakulla Station News


Articles to this paper must be submitted to meet the deadline for printing (Mondays, at noon), which means I must write well ahead of upcoming events.
Right now, as I write this, there is a storm churning in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Slow moving, the expectation is that it will  quicken once it reaches the warmer, deeper waters further north. Prognosticators are hedging their bets on just where Hurricane Idalia will come ashore, as well as how powerful she may be.
But the Governor has begun planning, and asked that thirty counties have hurricane watch/preparations begun.
Now is the time to stock up on water, batteries, non-perishables and gas for your generator. Everyone stay safe and aware.

My neighbors and I have watched with curiosity the construction of the new Dollar General Market Store on the corner of  Woodville Highway and Bloxham Cutoff. It opened two weeks ago, and the young lady who manages it is an energetic, enthusiastic and friendly representative of the company. Still being stocked, this large store will eventually carry many choices of fresh, frozen and canned goods. It also has a wide assortment of household goods, decor, health items and entertainment.  Be sure to stop in and check them out.
A concerned citizen contacted me about the traffic at the intersection of Crawfordville Highway and the Coastal Highway (U.S. Hwy. 98). Since school started this year, she has witnessed three different southbound vehicles, at different times, do a U-turn at the light in order to go north. In all these instances, there was an orange light, which indicates the driver has the right of way ONLY if there is no on-coming traffic. She expressed concern that Wakulla drivers are unfamiliar with orange signals, as well as proper turning etiquette. Just remember the adage, “Better safe than sorry!”

This past Saturday 4-H had its Fall Open House at the Extension Office, and had a great turn out. This year they are offering a number of clubs, including an equine care and information club, a cooking club, and a shooting sports club. Kudos to Rachel Pienta and the great staff of the Extension Office for bringing 4-H back to Wakulla County, and making it a spectacular success. If you’re interested in participating in one of these exciting and fun clubs, call Wakulla Extension at 850.926.3931 for more information.

Please continue your prayers for Sebastian Mosely and his family. He is steadily improving and living in a transition home, instead of the hospital. So happy for them as he grows stronger and closer to moving home to Crawfordville!

Happy birthday to Thelma Watts, Caylee Cox and  Cale Cox. Hope you all have many more.