Wakulla Station News


Finally, we can welcome slightly cooler, slightly less humid weather to North Florida! Now if it will only last, we could all breathe a sigh of relief. I have been able to actually tuck in and do some gardening without flirting with heat stroke.
Fall is such a glorious season, with all my ginger plants blooming, and my “hurricane lilies “ (aka, spider lilies) popping up. My summer flowers are fading, my winter shrubs’ buds are swelling, and leaves are just beginning to change colors. After the sweltering summer we’ve all had, it is hard not to jump the gun on Autumn. I know you feel it too.
At the end of this month, Saturday, the 30th, Panacea will once again celebrate the Blue Crab and  its rich history of harvesting the bay. After several years’ absence due to Covid precautions, it promises to be a really good family time. Mark your calendars and join us for a great parade and festival!
If your church, civic organization or business wants to participate in the parade or have a booth, you can find registration forms at the Blue Crab Facebook page. There is no fee to be in the parade, and fees for a booth are listed with the registration forms. Come on out and have a great time with friends and visitors alike.
Birthday blessings to Alex Hernandez and Rosa Maria Fay, who both celebrated their natal days this month. Hope they both had wonderful birthdays!
Your prayers are deeply appreciated for both baby Bennie Mott and baby Sebastian Mosely as they recover from serious health issues. Both are fighters and holding their own, praise God!
In a few weeks the Wakulla Station United Methodist Church will be celebrating Homecoming. Whether you are a friend, family,or just curious, you are invited to join us at 10 a.m. for worship service and at 11 a.m. for a delicious covered dish dinner full of faith, food, and fellowship.