Wakulla Station News


The countdown to the holidays has begun. Wanna take bets on when the Christmas music on every radio, intercom and loudspeaker will begin? I’m not complaining, mind you. I love holiday music, all the lights and decorations, and festivities. I do think it’s a little strange to see Christmas stuff in the aisles before HALLOWEEN. Oh, well. Enjoy it while it lasts.
I am so happy to report that Clem Bunker’s daughter safely traversed from California to St. Marks. She and her pets made the drive over a period of days, and will now begin their new adventures as Floridians.
I was ticked pink to attend the Sunday matinee of the Wakulla Community Theater’s “Grease” with my friend June Watts. The Sopchoppy auditorium / theater was the perfect venue for a musical set in  mid-century America. The performances were outstanding and so much fun. Kudos to director  Mina Sutton on a job well done, as well as to the cast and stage crew. During the intermission I was able to chat with old friends and new, including Mary Updegraff and her daughters. Wakulla County is blessed to have so many talented , enthusiastic and dedicated  folks working to give first class entertainment.
Pastor Steve Montgomery is recovering well from is knee surgery, and appreciates your prayerful support as he recuperates. Please keep Jim Lannon in your prayers, as he is coping with some serious health issues, as well as Baby Bennie Mott and his family. Sebastian  Bennett- Mosely continues to grow stronger and healthier.
Ed and I made the trip to the Crawfordville Publix to receive our annual flu shot, as well as our Covid boosters. The process was simple and (relatively) painless. My arm was a little achy and itchy, and I ran a low-grade fever for a few hours that evening. I think that is a  small price to pay to avoid either of those diseases. I have actually never had the flu or Covid, and really want to keep it that way. As I grow older every year, I feel more vulnerable to the worst effects of respiratory illness, and basically do whatever it takes to stay well.  I know many people question how best to protect their own health, and as a librarian I advise you to do your research and act accordingly. Since we all have different reactions and allergies to medicine, we all have to make decisions based on our experience and judgement. Stay well!