The Holy Spirit within us produces faith, meekness, temperance, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, gentleness – against such there is no law.
Love as much as you want to, have as much joy as one desires. According as God’s divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue, the nine virtues.
The fruit of the spirit, these moral strengths are of greatest importance when no one but God is observing our character and behavior.
If we have faith, meekness and temperance when only God is watching, we will also have these strengths when others are watching and our living will gloridy God and be beneficial to those whose lives we touch.
All nine of the virtues which are the fruit of the spirit are needed for truly Christlike living.

Skipper Temple Church of Christ invites you to our services on Saturday, May 11 at 2 p.m. Program will be for Mother Vera Gavin. We invite all family and friends to come out and join in the fellowship. Speaker will be Pastor Janet Clary from Tallahassee.

On Sunday, May 12, we will be honoring all mothers on their special day. Speaker will be Evangelist Shirley Morris. Special tribute to the youngest mother, oldest mother, and mother with the most great-grandchildren.

Prayers and concern goes out to all the sick, shut-in, those in the hospital, nursing home, prison, the homeless, and all in help everywhere.