Becoming family


Isn’t it strange how quickly age creeps up on us? It seems like 16 was my greatest wish yesterday, and today, the 60s are flying by at an accelerated speed. Not only are the numbers changing, but the face of the family is also changing.
Once, we were Mom, Dad, and children sitting around the dinner table. Today, we are the parent/grandparent of adult children raising their families.
Time and distance separate us faster than we dreamed possible.
I realized how much I missed spending time with my siblings during a recent trip to visit our oldest sister and her family down south. My sister, who is closest to my age, lives in the old family home near me. We try to alternate the direction of our visits; one month, we will travel south, and the next month, we will head west to visit our other siblings.
Regardless of how much our family has changed over the years, we are still family, and gathering together is worth the effort. The journey to and from is filled with laughter as my sister and I sing along (out of key) with songs from the ‘70s playing on the radio. The road trips involve 10 hours of travel and 2 hours of visiting, which means we spend 12 hours catching up on old memories and making new ones. Our family bonds are strong and lasting.
Just like the bonds of family, there are also bonds of faith that connect people. In my case, it is the community of believers in my church. We come from different backgrounds and walks of life, but our shared faith brings us together as a family of God. Attending church services and events, participating in group activities, and volunteering for community service projects have all helped me to build solid and lasting relationships with my fellow church members. Through these bonds, I have found a sense of belonging and support that is as important to me as my family relationships. Being part of a community that supports and uplifts one another in their faith is beautiful.
It is a unique love the Heavenly Father has given us, calling us His children (1 John 3:1). Regardless of where we travel in this world, we are family. As believers in Jesus, we hold citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven, which is built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. Jesus is our cornerstone (Ephesians 2:19-22). If we were worth the effort that He suffered on Calvary to make us family, then isn’t He worth the effort of our joining a family of believers, sharing His message of love?
Reflecting on the importance of family and the bonds that connect us reminds us of the need to also join with a spiritual family of God. Let this day be the day you become a part of a loving community of believers, receive our Lord’s grace, and share that grace with others. It is never too late to experience the joy and love of being a child of Heavenly Father. I am sure somewhere near you is a Body of Believers waiting to embrace you into the family of God. Will you not make the effort today?
John 1:11-13 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God – 13 children born not of natural descent, nor human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

Cheryl Mixon-Cruce is Pastor of Ochlockonee Bay United Methodist Church and Sopchoppy United Methodist Church.