Capt. Jacobs addressing Flotilla members.

Last week during the monthly business meeting for Flotilla 12, Captain Jacobs from the Civil Air Patrol joined us and discussed the benefits of enhancing our operations through coordination of activities between our unique organizations.
Kathy Braud received an award for being a part of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 0810102 Hurricane Idalia response team.
This coming weekend, Flotilla 12 will host the quarterly Division Meeting in Tallahassee. We are excited to bring together leadership and members from across our division. We are the farthest flotilla to the east with Pensacola being our most western presence.
With the increasing heat in our area, please remember to stay hydrated and attentive to those around you when out on the water. Dehydration impacts all of our senses and physical capabilities. It is a contributing factor to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Thanks to Sherrie, we will always remember safe boating is no accident!

If you would like to learn more about vessel safety checks, please contact Steve Hults, Staff Officer for Vessel Examinations at

Please contact us for more information about our safe boating classes or learning more about getting involved in the Auxiliary, check out our website at follow us on FaceBook @ Apalachee Bay Flotilla 12 or contact our Flotilla Commander Phil Hill at

The Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed civilian volunteer component of the U.S. Coast Guard and supports the Coast Guard in nearly all mission areas. The Auxiliary was created by Congress in 1939. For more information, please visit