The weather continues to be brutal, and I feel so sorry for anyone having to work outside. Wakulla County has so much road work being done, and those folks are literally cooking out there on the highways and byways of our community. Farmers, landscapers, construction workers and even home gardeners are having to plan how best to balance the work with health and safety. I fear this summer will only get worse as we get deeper into the “dog days” of the season. Be patient with these hard working neighbors coping with the heat and humidity out there!

The Wakulla United Methodist Church is planning its annual “Christmas in July” yard sale to benefit our Food Pantry, and I’ll be sharing the details of this fun event soon. Watch this space.

This past Sunday Eden, Harrison and Harper came over to help dig ‘taters. But it quickly dwindled down to just Ed and Eden harvesting them. Harrison was certain he spied a black widow spider in the foliage, and that put the quietus on THAT. Harper, on the other hand, came fully resolved to stay in the air conditioning! Discretion may truly be the better part of valor…

My prayer list continues to grow, and your faithful support is much appreciated by all those seeking comfort. Little Jordan Cooper continues to need our prayers as his doctors seek a diagnosis to better treat his condition. Both Cindy Blackstock and her sister Deborah Giles need our prayers as they deal with separate health issues. Mary Jo Dowling continues to heal, and it was wonderful to have her back in church this past Sunday.
Patti Moxley and her family continue to need our prayers, as does Becky Perkins, Thelma Watts, and the Berrigan family.
Please keep Kelly O’Neil and his family in your prayers. He lost his brother quite unexpectedly last week. Also in need of prayers is Crystal Rudd, who injured her back during a Father’s Day party.
My friend and former colleague, Sharhonda Williams, has received a scary diagnosis, and will be undergoing some further tests to determine how best to proceed with treatment. Please lift her in your prayers, as well as her doctors.

I hope everyone has a happy and healthy week!