Back porch ponderings


Back Porch Ponderings is nothing more than a collection of memories I ponder and allow the Holy Spirit to guide me to Biblical truth. Most of these memories come from my childhood, reflecting the love and adventures we experienced as a family. I have often had people question the validity of the stories. They may seem “flowery” in nature, but I can assure you that each one is true.
One such pondering takes me back to a time after our parents’ passing. My sister and I went through the old homeplace, sorting through the years of collections that make a house a home. Closets, cabinets, and dust bunnies were plentiful as we completed each task. Around mid-afternoon, we settled down with a glass of sweet ice tea next to Mom’s cedar chest. Opening the chest, we found a treasure of memories Mom had been saving through the years.
There were hospital bracelets, baby shoes, and photos of Dad during wartime. The memorabilia collected included pieces of our childhood that she held sacred. Each child had an envelope marked with their name, holding items about their growing years. As I thumbed through the packet with my name, I discovered poetry, stories, and reflections I had written throughout my youth. Included in the miscellaneous writings was a letter to Santa Claus that was published in our local newspaper. As simple as they may have seemed, Mom had collected them all, and I never knew.
It was heartwarming to find what Mom had secretly treasured over the years. Looking at my sister, I saw that she, too, was lost in her memories of the past as she uncovered parts of her childhood. The discovery of these hidden mementos reinforced the depth of love and value Mom placed on her children’s creativity. We found ourselves absorbed in our own secret ponderings. More than the items found, we discovered just how treasured we were.
Mom’s cedar chest was her treasure box. It only held the best memories, memories that would bring her joy. There were no marks against her children from fights stemming from sibling rivalry, no tally marks of rebellion, struggles, or disobedience, and nowhere did she record late-night indiscretions that caused her worry. Those moments vanished in time, leaving only her love for us.
The Heavenly Father shows us even greater love and compassion. He removes our transgressions as far as the East is from the West (Psalm 103:12). Yesterday is not held against us when we trust in Him. Knowing this should remind us how much the God of creation cares for us. We can find comfort in knowing that we are treasured beyond all measure.
The Father’s love for us is endless. It is unconditional, flowing constantly to His children who trust in Him. There are no records of our follies (Jeremiah 31:34). Indiscretions and tally marks vanish within the grace that flows from Calvary. God’s love for His children is unwavering despite our flaws and mistakes. Through the richness of His grace, there is forgiveness for our sins (Ephesians 1:7). We only need to open the scripture (His cedar chest) to understand His love. Hopefully, what He has treasured in our growing will be an extension of His grace and love for others.
Psalm 86:15-17 But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.16 Turn to me and have mercy on me; show your strength in behalf of your servant; save me, because I serve you just as my mother did. 17 Give me a sign of your goodness.

Cheryl Mixon-Cruce is Pastor of Ochlockonee Bay United Methodist Church and Sopchoppy United Methodist Church.