This past month has been filled with many celebrations.
The second Sunday in June is Childrens Day, a day when the children take an active part in the church with stories about the Bible, spiritual songs and plays.
On the third Sunday in June is Fathers Day. A time to bless your father and show him some love and let him know your father he is a special part of your life.
Many people celebrated Juneteenth. We have always celebrated May 20. It was a time for the community to come together, everyone would bring covered dishes, cakes, make homemade ice cream, have fish fries, the May pole, play horseshoe games, have cake walks. You name it – we played many fun games. I remember that was a time the candidates would come by and ask for votes. It was not easy like now, when candidates just announce in the newspaper. Back then they had to make eye contact if they were saying a lot.
And then June 23 was my birthday.
I had a great month of celebrations. And I did most of the things I like to do – cook, work in my flowers, read, write, talk on the phone (I have many visits on the phone), prayer time and listening to what God wants me hear.
I am grateful and thankful. My gift from God is a blessing to share with others.

It was an honor to the veterans who had a trip to Washington, D.C. Mr. Joseph Williams had the honor and pleasure to be my worthy partron in the Eastern for over 30 years. He is a man of order and great respect. He lived in Wakulla and we lived in Sopchoppy. He was always waiting when we got to the chapel meeting. There was never a time he didn’t have encouraging words for the ladies.

The Mills, Allen, Rosier, Simmons family reunion will be celebrated this weekend – July 5, 6, and 7. On Sunday worship service will be held at Greater Mount Trial Primitive Baptist Church.

Our prayers and concern goes out to all the candidates and voters, to those in need of help in all ways, those in the hospital, nursing home, prison, homeless. Let us pray for each other.