I cannot believe we are more than halfway through the summer break! Students and teachers, soak up the good times now. Maybe the start of another school year will help usher in fall and cooler weather… Nah. We’re doomed to living in a sauna for the next four months.

Harper attended Vacation Bible School last week at the Crawfordville United Methodist Church, and had a great time. They had 25 kids, and enjoyed learning Bible stories, songs, and fellowshipping together. Many thanks to all the volunteers and staff for providing such an enriching experience.

Last Sunday Ed and I joined friends at the Woodville UMC for their Second Sunday Sing once again. The quartet included David and Daryl Langston on fiddle and bass viol, and the music was amazing. After the performance we walked the short distance to the fellowship hall and enjoyed a delicious supper provided by the good folks at the church. Next month there will be a Bluegrass gospel group, and all are invited to join us for a good time full of good music and good food.

I am so happy to report that my friend Sharhonda Williams came through her surgery well, and want to thank each of you who offered prayers for her recovery. Also, it is with joy I report Clementine Bunker was able to attend church last Sunday. After falling and experiencing multiple breaks in her leg last February, Clem has been diligently rehabbing to get back up on her feet. Seeing her come into the church with her son Charlie was a reason for much celebration.

Please continue to lift Mary Jo Dowling as she continues to mend from a serious bout of appendicitis, as well as Cindy Blackstock, her sister Deborah Giles, Becky Perkins, Emily McKuen who is seeking treatment at Shands in Gainesville, Thelma Watts, the family of Andy Sutton, and Kelly O’Neil, Crystal Rudd, Terry Allen, and our nation.

I know everyone agrees that the shocking events of Saturday afternoon were unacceptable. Now is the time for we as a nation to join in prayer, supporting all the victims of the horrible shootings in Pennsylvania. We must come together as one to seek peace and a return to sanity. Amen? AMEN!