Wakulla Station News


Hello again, prayer warriors! So many folks continue in need of our prayerful support.
Please keep Shelby Sloan and Hunter Peacock in your prayers, as they struggle with the imminent loss of their newborn baby girl, Emersyn. This young family welcomed their baby knowing she faced deep odds against survival. As I write this, Emersyn is struggling to live, and is surrounded by her loving extended family even as they prepare to say goodbye. I know they all sense the support and love of each prayer, and welcome your loving care.
Also, please continue to lift the family of Sebastian Mosley, as he awaits a heart transplant in Gainesville. This baby is dependent upon a special device to keep his blood circulating, and his family is doing their best to manage a home life and still be with him. I can only imagine the stress of this, and my heart aches for them. Heather, Sebastian’s mother, welcomes all of our prayers with deep gratitude.
Those of you who knew and loved Mr. Ernest Newberry, his service will be this Friday, at noon, at the National Cemetery. He was one of the sweetest people I have ever known. Please keep Ms. Betty and his family in your prayers.
I’m happy to report that Louis Hernandez is doing well following surgery, and on his way to a great recovery. My dad, who will be 91 years old in less than a month, is now Covid NEGATIVE! After a five day separation, I’m making tracks back to Tapestry to see him in the flesh. Heartfelt thanks to all who prayed for him (and me!) during this time. Dad is still weak, but doing much better.
What a great weekend the Christian Coalition had, celebrating African American History! Saturday’s parade turnout was the best I have ever seen, and the weather was flawless. I was so happy to be able to recruit vendors for the Woodville Founders Day Festival (Saturday, March 18th at the J. Lewis Hall Recreation Park), as well as enjoy all the family fun during the parade and performances! Thanks to all the volunteers who work so hard to make this annual event a success, and especially to my dear friends Robert and Kenny Manning. The dedication and enthusiasm of all of these volunteers is inspiring.
The Woodville Founders Day Festival is happening March 18th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the J. Lewis Hall Recreation Park in Woodville. Vendors are welcome, and the fee of $25 goes directly to the Woodville Volunteer Fire Department to support services for the entire Woodville/Wakulla area. Check out the Festival Facebook page Tenth Anual Woodville Founders Day for vendor info and registration forms.
Some of the re-enactors and presenters  coming are Finley’s Brigade; a half-scale replica of the Hunley (a Confederate submarine); the Colored Troops; Dr. Richard Blaney and his amazing Gallecenos horse (a heritage breed from the Spanish Conquistadors’ era); and performances by Our favorite North Florida storytelling troubadour, Ernest Toole. Don’t miss out on this family fun day that is free to the public.
Wakulla Wonderful, an annual day of celebrating Wakulla County, will be the Saturday before on March 11th, in downtown Crawfordville, There is no vendor fee, and the Extension Office is seeking participation from folks who make items themselves, as well as all agencies that provide services to Wakulla citizens. I will be sharing more news about these celebrations  as we move closer to their dates.