Proverbs 2:3-4 (ESV) commands us to “call out for insight and raise [our] voice for understanding,” and “seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasure.” Yet few of us do.

Most of us seek our own way, for our own purposes, with our own limited perspective. We can’t see how our narrow view affects us and those we love. We lack wisdom from the only One Who sees the big picture perfectly. All the time.

Some aren’t sure what to believe about God, so they never pray. But they’re comforted by those who do – those who believe nothing is too difficult for God. Even an agnostic or two might be secretly glad that in this chaotic world, there are believers who unwaveringly trust God but aren’t blind to the reality that the world is a mess. People who know God is real. And that God is wise.

As mere mortals, we’ll never be able to comprehend the vastness of God’s wisdom. We find it hard to believe that when we pray and study His Word, God gives us, mere humans, a portion of this vast wisdom.

But this is no excuse not to pursue God’s wisdom. Can you imagine what superordinary (godly) insight could mean in our lives and in our world? Sadly, many people can’t. And because they don’t, individuals, communities, churches, and indeed the entire world, suffer tragic consequences.

What if we called out (even raised our voices) to God for insight and understanding? What if we pursued Him and His ways with such determination that we didn’t give up – because we know what we find in our search will bless and prosper us in richer ways than even silver could?

Read Proverbs 2:3-4 again and let it speak directly to you.

God’s Word is life changing. As we seek God’s wisdom by praying and diligently searching through the pages of the Bible, we’ll discover hidden treasure.

It’s my prayer that as we pursue and follow God’s counsel, others will see the wisdom of God displayed in our lives. Then perhaps they, too, will seek and cry out for insight and understanding…

From a God Who is real. And wise. And sees the big picture. Perfectly. All the time.

Sheryl H. Boldt is a sales executive for Wave 94 and author of the blog, Connect with her at