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    Editor, The Sun:
    Responding to Mr. F.J. Young’s letter in the February 2nd issue of The Wakulla Sun (“Air strip is a waste of taxpayer money”), all I can say to Mr. Young is that I hear him loud and clear. He’s frustrated that this airport controversy has been ongoing since Moses parted the waters and has no ending it seems until the Second Coming of Christ.

    There is a simple solution to the calamity, besides canning their set-in-stone, so-called volunteer airport manager who should’ve been canned before he was allowed to volunteer himself. Why it hasn’t been brought to the fore years ago is unknown.

    This partial solution is why not make it a private airport? As a private airport, the FAA, at the instant of privitization is then hands off. They are no longer a party to the controversy & glad of it. That leaves the county with only one meddling govermental agency to worry with – the Florida Department of Transportation. Under skilled, knowledgeable handling, they could probably be sweet-talked into letting things be. The county could likely continue to get their fumbling mitts into it too if they desire. After all, it seems our little grass airstrip thrives on controversy, big or small. I prefer small.

    As for me, I have a rather large project I’ve been working on intensely for the past six months. It will blow the doors off Wakulla County & reveal what Mr. F.J. Young wonders “is there something we’re not being told?” Stay tuned Mr. Young. It likely will arrive before the Second Coming and will be published here in Mr. Bill Snowden’s excellent enterprise called The Wakulla Sun.

    Bill Catalina Crawfordville