It looks like spring has arrived early, but beware! We old-timers know she can be fickle, and usually gives winter an extra swipe at us just before Easter. But the woods and fields all around us are sporting beautiful colors, filling out with translucent green leaves and delicate blooms.
My winter blooms are fading, but I don’t think I have EVER seen Loropetalum more glorious than this year. Everywhere I go, the fringey fuchsia shrubs are practically screaming, “Look at me!” Yellow Jessamyn is strung all through the branches of roadside trees and bushes, and redbuds are doing their thing. Be sure to take a drive around the countryside and see the Lord’s canvas before we’re deep into Summer’s swelter and the blossoms are gone.

This coming Saturday is Wakulla Wonderful, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and vendors will be out all along High Drive, in front of the Wakulla County Chamber of Commerce and behind the Courthouse. Be sure to check it out!

As I write this, we’re just 12 days out from the Woodville Founders day Festival. As always, it will be at the Woodville Recreation Park, on Saturday, March 16th, from 9 a,m, to 4 p.m. Over 40 vendors have signed up to participate, and the entertainment is off the chain! Theater With A Mission will be there, Union and Confederate reenactors, Ernest and Sarah Toole, blacksmith Mike “Murph” Murphy, a heritage Galicenos heritage breed horse, a half-scale model of a Confederate submarine, native drummers and dancers, and much more!

Please continue to pray for Clem Bunker, who is recovering from a broken ankle and femur. Also in need of prayer is Ms. Norma Woodcock, Thelma Watts, the young family of Cassie Reese whose husband passed away unexpectedly, Pam Adam’s grandson John Peter, and Deborah Giles as she undergoes treatment for cancer.