I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Memorial Day is a particularly meaningful celebration, designed to help us remember and honor those brave soldiers, airmen and sailors who have given the full measure of their devotion to our country.

Please keep Thelma Watts in your prayers, as well as Mary Jo Dowling, Jimmy Gainey, Mike Harrison, Sarah Kane, and all the folks who continue to recover from the havoc wrought by the tornado outbreaks across North Florida and the country as a whole.

Next Sunday, Methodists will celebrate Communion. The Wakulla U.M.C. will have a delicious potluck dinner following the 10 o’clock service, and everyone is invited to join us. Hope to see you there!

Summer vacation is upon us, and children are out and about with their bikes, skateboards, and other toys. Please be extra focused as you travel our byways and highways of Wakulla. A little care goes a long way.

At this writing, there are just a handful of spots available in 4-H summer camps. These week-long camps run the gamut from cooking to equine activities to shooting sports. If your child is interested, call the Wakulla County Extension Office for more details.