Triumph Gulf Coast has failed to raise the economy of the Panhandle

Editor, The Sun:

Since the Triumph Gulf Coast committee have failed miserably to raise the economy to the Florida panhandle, I am urging the Governor to dissolve the committee, load the $1.5 billion in cash, load it onto military aircraft, and blast it over the countryside of the eight counties that were most impacted by the Deep Horizon Oil spill.
It would do much to improve the economy, and maybe some of the people who were blasted by the Corex BP sprayed from airplanes, and wrecked their health might actually get some of it. Enough industrialists, contractors, Realtors and big running the show, it’s time to give the general public a short. Think how it would stimulate the economy, people scraping by, living from paycheck to paycheck, hiking in the forests, wading in swamps picking up hundred dollar bills. Finder’s keepers, if it lands on your property it’s yours. Let the economists worry about inflation, as mana rains down from heaven, get while the getting is good and fill your shopping carts with food, and your vehicles with gas.
However, before those millions get dumped from airplanes there should be some rules regarding public safety, like avoid chaos and wrecks by not dropping it over buy interstates and highways. Dump it over swamps, woodlands and estuaries along the coast of eight counties affected by the 2010 Deep Horizon Oil Spill. Boats that sat up in the garage for years, unused, would be out, roving the seas catching those c-notes before they sink. Shrimpers, oystermen and mullet fishers that are going broke and were most impacted by the spill would be out dragging their nets and stacking up baskets of soggy money on deck.

Then Gulf Specimen Marine Lab might get some of it. We need expand our aquarium, and fund our interns that have made us a first class, much loved organization. Presently the door are locked and the gates are barred to us, because are an independent standalone nonprofit organization and Triumph is by “By the Government, Of the Government and For the Government.” Businesses and nonprofits that have applied but have been steadfastly rejected, on the grounds that they do not produce enough jobs, which is a bold faced lie.

Back in 2017 Don Gates, Chairman of Triumph told the committee, “If we fund Jack Rudloe there will be fifty Rudloes along the coast trying to get into our pockets.” The thousands of people who love Gulf Specimen and support us wouldn’t agree. So instead of putting of putting that 1.5 billion dollars into the pockets of our insatiable, tax devouring government let’s fire those Triumph fat cats, rain down the cash and have a just and equitable distribution the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill funds.

Jack Rudloe
Gulf Specimen Marine Lab