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    Wakulla United Futbol Club (WUFC) is gearing up in preparation for its Fall 2023 season. WUFC has a lot of new players joining and with an incredible staff and coaches, the season is looking like nothing but greatness. They are excited to get their Fall 2023 season underway. Club President, Jason Grimes, says, “I think we have something very special in the works for Wakulla and it’s soccer youth community, including high school volunteers.”
    The local youth soccer club started when Grimes saw a need for the players of Wakulla County to have their very own soccer club and the club is on a mission to provide excellent soccer education to children ranging from ages eight to fourteen years old. The club’s goal is to positively support the development of a lifelong passion for soccer while providing leadership-building experiences aimed at the personal growth of their players. The club’s vision is to help players in Wakulla County prepare themselves for middle school and high school sports with the eventual plans of eventually being a competitive traveling team.
    When asked what the big plans are for the Fall 2023 season, Grimes said, “We’re excited to get practice started and work with our partnering clubs. We’re especially excited to start our community outreach to help the citizens of Wakulla County.” If you’re interested in becoming a part of WUFC—where fun, friends, and soccer are the norms—registration is still open until August 14th on their website: https://wakullaunitedfutbolclub.sportngin.com/.