From FWC

This report represents some events the FWC handled Feb. 23-29 in the Northwest Region. (No cases were reported in Wakulla County)


  • During a focused night hunting detail in northern Holmes, Washington, and Jackson counties, officers made five separate night hunting cases where individuals shined numerous fields and were in possession of firearms. Appropriate citations were issued. Approximately 30 officers, including FWC aircraft, were used.


  • Officer Specialist W. Brookes was on patrol in the Aucilla Wildlife Management Area. Officer Brookes found a vehicle parked in a secluded area. A pair of dirt covered gloves was on the hood of the vehicle, leading the officer ton believe the subject was digging for artifacts on the WMA. Officer Brookes contacted K-9 Officer J. Miller for assistance with locating the subject. K-9 Glory tracked a short distance and officers found a freshly dug artifact looting site. They also found a shovel and camo bag hidden next to the freshly dug hole. K-9 Glory began to track a short distance and Officer Brookes observed an individual hiding in a hole. The subject was in possession of a probe and other tools used for excavating artifacts. The subject was arrested and transported to the Jefferson County Jail.


  • Officer Hahr responded to a request for assistance from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office in searching for an adult subject who had not returned from a kayaking trip down a small creek. The creek traveled a remote area of a hunting club property that is not a navigable waterway. The subject’s mother called for help when her son’s phone died after leaving a message that he was cold, wet, and stranded on the creek bank. A sheriff’s office investigator located the subject’s position using a drone and provided Officer Hahr with the coordinates of his location. Officer Hahr located the man and assisted him in walking to the closest logging road where he was reunited with his family.