Fire in Shell Point

A fire in one of the townhomes on Beatty Taff Drive in Shell Point on Wednesday, May 1. At left, the view of the fire from the bay side. The fire reportedly began started from a generator on the porch. A man reportedly suffered minor burns, while other family members evacuated safely. (Photos by Mark Wallheiser/Special to The Sun)
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Program on GF&A at depot on May 14

Historical Society to hear presentation on railroads and history of Sopchoppy Depot

The Sopchoppy Depot, restored as a museum, is the last surviving depot on the GF&A Railroad. (FILE PHOTO BY RIDDHI PATEL)

Wakulla Historical Society

The Wakulla County Historical Society invites you to our program on the GF&A Railroad to be held on Tuesday, May 14, at 4:30 p.m. at the Sopchoppy Depot located on Rose Street in Sopchoppy.

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Going on Honor Flight

David Pienta with Vietnam veterans Jim McShane and Dennis Murhpy.

Special to The Sun

I grew up as an Air Force brat. My dad served twenty-six years in the Air Force as a Communications Operator. My dad served in Vietnam and Desert Storm. So naturally, veterans have a special place in my heart.

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4-H Speech contest held in Wakulla

Wakulla’s Jace Perez won second place in 6th grade category. He spoke on ‘The Time Machine’.


4-H District III Public Speaking Contest was held May 4th at the Wakulla County Extension Office in Crawfordville. Participants in the contest are winners from their respective school located in Leon, Jefferson, Gadsden, Franklin Wakulla, Liberty, and Gulf counties.

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New Miss Wakulla is crowned

Miss Wakulla Georgia Gumphrey, center, with Junior Miss Wakulla Chloe Thomas, Little Miss Wakulla Bay Sanders, Tiny Miss Wakulla Paisley Thomas and Young Miss Wakulla Anna High.

Special to The Sun

Congratulations to our new 2024 Miss Wakulla County Queens!
On Saturday, April 27th, at the Wakulla High School Auditorium, Georgia Gumphrey was crowned the 2024 Miss Wakulla County.

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