As I write, I am still swimming in the good vibes from the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration and prayer breakfast at the Palaver Tree Theater on Monday.
Thanks to the efforts and support of so many dedicated citizens, we were able to fellowship together, commemorate an American hero, and enjoy a delicious breakfast of eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, pancakes and muffins.
The message was brought by Pastor Patrick Wright, who is also an Assistant Principal at Rickards High School. Entitled “A Living Legacy” he really brought it home how we all need to live the highest and most moral values of our faith. It was an outstanding message for the times we live in today.
Also there was Jenette Nelson, program director for the Sickle Cell Foundation, based in Tallahassee. She is working hard to help educate ALL the people on sickle cell disease and offering free blood tests to help determine who among us may be carriers of the trait. I look forward to working with Ms. Nelson in her mission.

I hope everyone is prepared for the encroaching frigid weather predicted for this week. Pets, plants, and most importantly, people need protection from the life-threatening temperatures coming all this week.

Please continue to remember the friends and family of James Lannon, as well as those who loved Linda Marsh. Both died recently, and are deeply missed. Also in need of prayer are the friends and family of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pittman, who were killed in a crash on Hwy. 267 last week. Their loss was a shock, and their family is understandably reeling right now.

If you aren’t attending the second Sunday sings and fellowship suppers at the Woodville United Methodist Church, you are missing a sure thing! This past Sunday we enjoyed the gospel offerings of Traci Starling and Friends, of Live Oak. Staci is an accomplished singer, musician and songwriter, and it was such a blessing to hear their performance.

Don’t forget Arbor Day this Saturday at 10 a.m. The Garden Club is sponsoring a tree giveaway, with a nice selection of native trees to choose from. This is a really nice tradition that helps promote the growth of trees that support the environment.

Coming up on Feb. 16th, there will be a banquet to honor Arthur Andrews, the only casualty of the Vietnam War from Wakulla County. Sponsored by the Christian Coalition, all funds raised will benefit scholarships for Wakulla youth. Watch this space for more details soon.