Buckhorn News
The good news of Christmas is about the birth of Jesus the Messiah, the son of God. It is also about family – husband and wife, father and mother, ordained by God.
God sent His son Jesus to live with godly parents who were to committed to live in a manner pleasing to God. Although there are no perfect families, let us do what we can to encourage and help one another live close to God’ ideal for the family.
God blesses the family that lives by His word. For every relationship there are responsibilities in the Scripture outlined for our learning. It is good to know that God does have a plan and purpose for the family in a world where family has tended to be redefined.
God created the family. He knows what makes a healthy marriage and family. The church must return to God’s word and His plan for the family.
The good news of the season is it brings families together at a time they can sit at the dinner table and eat together. I was reminded of last Christmas 2021 and the conversation was not about the food. There was a need to talk about the family.
Christmas brings a Christ-like spirit, everyone is called to proclaim the Gospel in both word and deed.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
The people God used for introducing His son into the world were all sincerely devoted to God. God uses people who are devoted to Him to accomplish His purpose in the world. To be used by God for His glory in service to Jesus Christ and in Christ-like ministry to others, it is essential that we be sincerely devoted to God.
Our prayers and concern goes out to all the sick and shut-in, those in hospitals, nursing homes, prison, the homeless –those that lost loved ones and family members. Our Sopchoppy area was hit by a tornado last week. Our prayers go out to the Lawhon family. And let us thank God for his son Jesus and bless his name.