Special to The Sun

Wakulla County Health Department is hosting an informative meeting regarding the Wakulla Springs Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) changes coming to Wakulla County.

The meeting will be held Friday, March 22, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the health department conference room with Bill Gibson, environmental manager over Wakulla, Jefferson, Taylor, and Madison counties will be hosting the meeting.
Meeting Highlights are as follows:

  • The state Department of Environmental Protection setting an effective date for requiring all repairs and modification permits to be nitrogen-reducing septic systems. This would only effect properties located within the Priority Focus Area of Wakulla’s BMAP.
  • All lots, regardless of size, would be required to upgrade when applying for repair or modification permits. They set a tentative date of April 1, 2024, to start enforcing the new requirements.
  • Wakulla County is getting more grant money to assist homeowners who are upgrading their existing OSTDS to a nitrogen -reducing system, but that money is not available currently, it should be soon.
    DOH-Wakulla is located at 48 Oak Street, Crawfordville, FL 32327.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our office.