Educator says she will focus on accountability and transparency

Last year I began thinking of ways that I could help make a difference in the school system and return to my educational roots. After a great deal of prayer and discussion with my family, I am excited to announce my candidacy for the Wakulla County School Board District 2!
With 22 years of experience as an educator at both the Elementary and Middle School levels, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities our schools face. As a parent of four children who attended Wakulla County Schools from Pre-K through High School, and a grandparent of two little ones who will soon be part of the school system, I am committed to making sure that our children have every opportunity to succeed.
I grew up in Tallahassee and attended Rickards High School where I met my husband, Fred Nichols. We later moved to Wakulla because we both had relatives here and felt that this would be the ideal place to raise our own family. In 2004, our oldest son started preschool via the “Readimobile” – a school bus that had been transformed into a classroom! This was our first experience with the Wakulla County School System as parents, and we were not disappointed! Our four children: Bryson, Colton, Cameron, and Britton kept us actively involved at Medart Elementary, Wakulla Middle, and Wakulla High School until 2023 when our youngest graduated.
My teaching career began in Leon County where I taught for six years. My children were all attending school in Wakulla at that time and my biggest hope was to teach at their school one day. In 2006, my dream came true! I was hired as a 1st Grade Teacher at Medart Elementary School. I will never forget going to the District Office and meeting with former Superintendent David Miller, who made me feel so welcome. I would later see Mr. Miller and other School Board Members as they visited my classroom during Open House. At that moment, I knew that I was part of a team and not just a name on a payroll roster. This was one of the reasons that so many of my college classmates had wanted to work for the Wakulla School District.
While teaching at the Elementary level I gained my Gifted Endorsement and my Reading Endorsement. I later transitioned to the secondary level where I taught at both Wakulla Middle and Riversprings. In 2021, I made the difficult decision to leave teaching. Unfortunately, I had watched my salary diminish each year due to the rising costs of insurance premiums and the lack of pay increases. For the past year, I have attended School Board Meetings and heard many other Wakulla County teachers express the same concerns that led me to leave a career that I loved. It broke my heart that the district that had once attracted so many prospects was now losing teachers to neighboring counties. This was one of the reasons that I decided to step out of my comfort zone and into the race for School Board.
As an educator with 22 years of experience, I know the importance of building a strong foundation. I believe that we need to get back to the basics and focus on the ABCs: Accountability and Transparency, Better Budgeting, and a Commitment to the Children. As a School Board member, I will ensure that decisions are made transparently, with input from parents, teachers, and the community. Our students deserve accountability at every level. I will work tirelessly to maximize funding so that our Teachers and Staff earn the salary that they deserve and have affordable health insurance. I will also advocate for classroom essentials, teacher training, and student support services. Our children are the heart of our community. I pledge to prioritize their well-being, safety, and educational success. As a parent with four children and a grandparent of two little ones, I know the importance of investing in our children. I am dedicated to working to ensure that our students feel safe, valued, and have every opportunity to succeed.
Sixteen years of my teaching experience has been in Wakulla County. I was blessed to work with some of the most amazing Teachers, Staff, and Administrators in the state. I ask for your support on August 20th so that I can be YOUR voice on the School Board and help make a difference!