Crawfordville Post Master

This year as our carriers prepare for delivering in our hot summer weather, we entered the Southern Area’s Beat the Heat Competition.

The competition will be judged on overall creativity, strong and informative messaging, identifying heat as a risk to employees, highlight indoor heat hazards, engaging communication, and facility participation. First prize winner will receive an ice maker for the facility, second prize is a water bottle station, and third prize is a $750 gift card for the facility. We had many customers ask what we were doing or celebrating… hopefully it will be a win! Focusing on the hazards of working outdoors or the hazard of heat indoors is always a major focus for us in the Postal Service. Summer weather comes on fast and lasts so long, especially here in Florida. Heat stress, heat strokes, and heat exhaustion are all things that must be watched for carefully when you are working in the heat. We tried to draw a little more attention to the heat risk factors while having a little fun in the process.