Former president takes 90% of votes locally in Republican Presidential Preference Primary

Canvassing board on Election night: Jessica Welch, Judge Brian Miller and his assistant Brenda Villiard, Commissioner Quincee Messersmith, and Supervisor of Elections Joe Morgan, with an unidentified election worker with her back to the camera.


Former President Donald Trump had already secured the Republican nomination earlier, on Super Tuesday, but had added more delegates to his total by winning Florida on Tuesday, March 19.

Trump handily won over Wakulla Republicans, taking in 89.9% of the votes cast. Nikki Haley won 5.4% of the votes and Ron DeSantis took just over 4.1%. (Haley had ended her campaign after Super Tuesday, and DeSantis withdrew before that.)
Given that the nomination was already decided, it’s not surprising that the turnout was only 20.4%.
In actual numbers, there are 12,033 registered Republicans in Wakulla, and 2,462 voted in the presidential primary – and 2,213 of those voters filled in the oval for Trump.
There were 550 mail-in ballots cast, 970 in early voting, and 942 cast on Election Day.
Statewide, Trump won 81.2% of votes, Haley won 13.9% and DeSantis won 3.7%.
President Biden has already secured the Democratic nomination, ensuring a second Trump vs. Biden election in November.