Special to The Sun

Wakulla County Supervisor of Elections Joe Morgan, through the Florida Supervisor of Elections (FSE), is proud to offer Florida college and university students the opportunity to apply for one of three $1,200 scholarships.

“With a new year upon us, I am thrilled to work with Supervisors of Elections across the state to provide students with this scholarship opportunity,” Morgan said. “I am hoping we can help a student in Wakulla achieve their educational goals”.
Eligible students must be enrolled as a full-time junior or senior studying political science, public or business administration, or journalism/mass communications and be registered to vote in Florida. Applications are due March 8, 2024, and must be submited to the Supervisor of Elections of the county in which the student is registered to vote.
Each county reviews their locally submited applications, and then chooses one student to forward to the FSE scholarship commitee for consideration.
For more information and to download the scholarship application, visit our website www.WakullaVotes.gov or contact our office by phone at 850-926-7575, weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“We encourage all eligible students to apply for this scholarship opportunity, and we fully support our proud Wakulla County college student community,” said Morgan.