Model Laura Resech, wearing a hand-knitted wool jacket.

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Elvira Hamilton hosted a hand-knitted fashion show for family and friends on Sunday, April 7th at her home in Crawfordville. In the fashion show, two models presented 21 hand knitted outfits showcasing scarves, dresses, suites skirts and berets.

Elvira is from the Republic of Mari El in Russia. Elvira’s parents had sheep in Russia and her mother cut, collected and cleaned the wool by hand and spun it by hand, and this is where she learned to knit. She explained the Republic of Mari El is about a 12-hour car ride from Moscow.
“I worked 14 years for the State of Florida, and I met many good people,” Elvira says. “I made scarves for my coworkers in many different colors and styles.”
Laura Resech, a model in the fashion show who worked at the state with Elvira since 2006, said, “I enjoyed working with Elvira and her clothes are just beautiful to look at.”
To add even more Russian culture to the fashion show, Elvira had a presentation of the indigenous Mari people’s culture who belong to Finno-Ugric group of people including the Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Mordovian, Komi, Udmurtia. At the party was Mari National dance, costumes and a Mari National dish called “Torik Kogiylo” which is made from Amish cheese, mashed potatoes, and onions.
“I wash the wool with Woolite and then rinse and lay on a flat table to dry.” Elvira says. “When it is half dry, I iron to press and starch to hold the shape and make them more beautiful. I must be careful when washing and ironing not to destroy the fabric, I am always happy with the end results.”
When speaking of clothing containing buttons, Elvira said, “Before I sew buttons on a garment, I put a fabric liner into the garment that will hold the buttons even tighter.”
Elvira is very proud of her work. “I hope my suits will find the owner that will make her beautiful and more comfortable.”
“I design my clothes with many designs in mind that will bring a special charm.”

Resech in a hand-knitted skirt, with model Alexis in a hand-knitted skirt and vest.