Special to The Sun

On Thursday, April 4th, the Wakulla Coastal Optimist Club held its annual Oratorical Contest. The topic for the speech was: “How to Change the World with Optimism.”

The contest is open to students from 7th through 12th grade. Hayden Peacock, a senior at Wakulla High School, won first place. He received the $100 cash prize. Second place was awarded to Kaylie Kosec who received $75.
The Optimist Club offers students a chance to express their views on the topic which is chosen by the North Florida Junior Optimist board members at their convention in May each year. The judges for this event were pleased with the quality and comprehensive content of the speeches.
This type of competition gives students practice speaking in front of a group, something that most people are nervous about doing. However, this is something that most of us will be called upon to do often in our lifetime.