Gym door allegedly slammed on 4-year-old’s hand, leading to partial amputation of left ring finger


The mother of a 4-year-old student at the Wakulla Education Center recently filed a lawsuit against Wakulla County Schools claiming her child had a gym door slam shut on his hand causing a fracture of the left ring finger later leading to partial amputation.

The lawsuit was filed by Amanda Gaines as parent of a child only identified as E.G.
Gaines is represented in the case by attorney James Messer Jr. of the Tallahassee law firm of Fonvielle Lewis Messier & McConnaughhay.
The child was in Pre-K at WEC on May 15, 2023 when the indicent occurred.
The lawsuit claims the child was being led into the gymnasium at Pre-K by school district employee, and that the gym door was improperly and negligently adjusted so that it would slam shut when released.
“As the district employee led E.G., a minor, into the gymnasium, she negligently failed to monitor E.G., a minor, as each passed through a door opening,” the lawsuit claims.
“As a result of the negligently maintained and adjusted door to the gymnasium at the School District Pre-K program located at Wakulla Education Center, as well as the negligent supervision of E.G., a minor, by the School District employee, E.G., a minor, suffered serious and permanent injury.”
The lawsuit seeks compensation for the child’s bodily injury resulting in pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish and the loss of capacity for enjoyment of life.
The lawsuit was filed in Wakulla Circuit Court, which means damages of more than $50,000 are being sought. The complaint requests a jury trial.