
By the time you read this, we will have finished up our three candidate forums for this election season.

I want to thank the candidates for coming out and sharing their views with citizens. I appreciate every candidate who has put themselves out there as a candidate for office.
I’ve gotten a lot of good feedback from readers who said the forums were helpful in making up their minds in how they would cast their vote.
(If you missed the forums in person, you can watch the recordings on YouTube on The Wakulla Sun channel.)
At the first forum back on July 9 we heard from candidates for property appraiser, incumbent Ed Brimner and challengerDonnie Sparkman. We then heard from candidates for Sheriff, incumbent Jared Miller and challenger Army Reyes.
The next forum, held July 16, featured candidates for superintendent of schools – Rick Myhre, Matt Payne and Ricky Strickland – and then candidates in the school board races: incumbent Josh Brown and challenger Camden Smit, and June Davis and Angie Nichols for the school board seat being vacated by retiring member Melisa Taylor.
We held a forum this past Tuesday night with the only contested county commission race between incumbent Mike Kemp and challenger Valerie Russell. (The other two seats up this year drew only one candidate for each: Ralph Thomas will return to office without opposition, and Josh Lawhon will go into office taking the seat currently held by retiring commissioner Chuck Hess.)
Thanks to those citizens who attended, and to those readers who submitted questions.
I also want to thank Heather Bryan and Rachel Pienta for their help culling questions. David Pienta for his help with the sound, and Rockulla for loan of microphones.

William Snowden is editor and publisher of The Wakulla Sun.