Gloria Rowley, Roy Rawlings, Sandy and Harry Johnston.

Special to The Sun

On Thursday, Feb. 1, the Wakulla County Moose Lodge 2510 in Panacea was honored to welcome Sandy and Harry Johnston from Moose International.
Sandy currently serves as a member of the Moose International Board of Directors. Sandy was the first female to be elected to the board in 133 years of existence.

Harry is a Past Supreme Governor, and he is also the Chairman of the Mooseheart Board of Directors. (Mooseheart is our child city and Moosehaven is our home for our Seniors)
Also in attendance was Roy Rawlings our Territory Manager, Quincy Messersmith from the Wakulla County Commissioners office accompanied by her husband Frank.
Tom Mallon and Danny Harrell from Wakulla Sheriff’s Office were presented with two boxes of Tommy Moose stuffed dolls. These dolls are used to be given to children that have been traumatized in accidents or other traumatizing events.
The Sheriff’s Office was also presented with 27 gift certificates for Officers to attend steak dinners courtesy of the Wakulla Moose Lodge.